The Training ARPt2 is accessed by using the following URL:

or by using the following link - Conservation and Management Measures, and Resolutions | Monitoring and Evaluation (

The training site simulates the live site and provides an opportunity for CCMs to review the look, navigation and functions of the ARPt2.

Log in in the same way as for the live site (see the Where to find the Annual Report Part 2 ARPt2) using the Log In button highlighted to the right of the image below. Once logged in you will see the ’Reporting’ tab. 

As with the live application, each user's access to the training application is at the level of permission assigned by the Party Administrator.

Please use the system to review the Dashboard and create, update and save responses, review historical reports etc. , 

NOTE: do NOT use the ‘Finalise and Send to WCPFC Secretariat’ button as this will lock the ARPt2 as if it had been completed.