The Annual Report Part 2: Responses list has a number of important features

  1. It is where CCMs can see a snapshot of the status of their current year ARPt2 Response List and they can complete responses to the current ARPt2 Response List (by following these steps
    • Note: the responses to a CCMs ARPt2 is not viewable by other CCMs until the ARPt2 report has been submitted by the CCM clicking on Finalise and Send to WCPFC Secretariat
    • Note: Once a CCM uses the Finalise and Send to WCPFC Secretariat , CCMs can no longer make changes to ARPt 2 but can continue to view, download a CSV and print
  2. It is how CCMs may view past year's ARPt2 responses for all CCMs. (This can be done using the Reporting Year and CCM drop down lists at the top of the screen
  3. The filters for Response Status, CMM, Theme, Sub Theme and CMR Inclusion may be used to view subsets of the ARPt Response List
  4. The CCM may print a copy as a pdf using the printer icon at top left or as an CSV export at the bottom left of the filters
  5. A CCM may have several people logged in and completing different sections of the ARPt2 at the same time
  6. Saving responses as Draft and/or Completed, allows responses to be directly entered into the ARPt2 and saved as that status until ready for final review and sending to the Secretariat as identified above. 
  7. The status of completion of the ARPt2 can be reviewed at any time as shown in the blue shaded box (see above image) which immediately a response with its associated status is saved (unless it is saved to the same status)