This method of updating the RFV to record a charter for your flagged vessel is useful for a small number of charters. For recording larger numbers of charters, please see the Helpdesk guide for 'Bulk Load Charters'.

To update an RFV record to show a charter, go to the RFV Home page and use Quick Search to find the vessel or click on Manage Vessels  and then select Browse My Vessels from the list of Actions.

Click into the record for the specific vessel and then scroll down to the heading Active Charters and click on the link Add Charter Notification as shown below.

This will open the screen for entering the charter details for that vessel as shown below. When all fields are completed, click Save. 

After saving, you will see the “Host CCM Notification of Charter” listed in the box under Active Charters and whether the Host CCM (the charterer) has provided their notification or notification is pending. The Flag CCM charter details will also appear in the Charter History tab at the bottom of the page for that vessel.