Once you have identified the case you are interested in, click on the ‘Case ID’ which is a link to the specific case file.
Key information available when you have selected a specific case file is shown in the image below. A more detailed explanation follows.
The Case Specific Details box provides the key details for the case.
The CCFS case type:
- Article 25 Event
- Observer Obstruction Alleged Infringements
- FAD Sets Alleged Infringements
- Shark Catch Alleged Infringements
- Cetaceans and Whale Shark Interactions
- Marine Pollution Alleged Infringements
- ROP Pre-Notification
The relevant obligation. Select the “obligation” to see a brief description of the obligation and the CMM reference number and title of the CMM.
For observer-initiated case types, additional details will be recorded relevant to the case type. Eg set datetime, species, fate, school association, detection method, individuals, trip monitoring issue.
The Vessel Trip Details box provides the key observed trip information needed to commence investigations.
- Vessel: is provided in the format of VESSEL NAME (WCPFC RFV VID), select the vessel to see the complete WCPFC RFV record for the vessel. ** Note the Vessel name and link in Vessel Trip is the current publicly available details for the vessel in the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels as at today **
- Trip Dates: is provided in the format of dd mmm yyyy - dd mmm yyyy, select the vessel trip to see the observed vessel trip details.
- Vessel Trip Id: in the format of VESSEL NAME [trip start date YYYY-MM-DD to trip end date YYYY-MM-DD] ** Note the Vessel name provided here is the Vessel name at the time the alleged infringement occurred **
- Vessel: in the format of VESSEL NAME (WCPFC RFV VID) ** Note the Vessel name provided here is current publicly available details for the vessel in the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels as at today **
- Trip dates: in the format of trip start date DD MMM YYYY - end date DD MMM YYYY
- Observer Provider: in the format of CCM (is provided as a two letter country ID with the suffix OB eg FMOB) For ease of reference these are the two subregional observer programmes:= FAOB = PNA Observer Agency and TTOB = FFA Observer Programme
Please use this link to view the complete list of WCPFC REGIONAL OBSERVER PROVIDER CODES: https://www.wcpfc.int/authorised-rop-observer-providers
- Provider Trip Number: is the national or subregional observer programme assigned trip number
- Trip Number: is part of the SPC/FFA observer trip number, but excludes the Observer identifier
- Debrief status: is a choice of “Pre-debriefed” “De-briefed” or blank. This is the debriefing status at the time the compliance case was notified.
- ROP Report Received: is a field that is updated by the Secretariat based on replies in the compliance case file system from flag CCMs , or is automatically set when an observer provider uploads a file. From “No” to “Yes”
How can I find the name of the vessel at the time of an alleged infringement?
1. Click on the Trip dates: to see the observed vessel trip details.
2. This opens a new page, for "Observed Vessel Trip details" (see below).
- The detail shown as Vessel Trip Id: in the format of VESSEL NAME [trip start date YYYY-MM-DD to trip end date YYYY-MM-DD] gives the Vessel name at the time the alleged infringement occurred.
- The detail shown as Vessel" in the format of VESSEL NAME (WCPFC RFV VID) is the current publicly available details for the vessel in the WCPFC Record of Fishing Vessels as at today.
Flag CCMs can provide comments in the text box title “Responses” and attach any attachments related to that particular case.
Flag CCMs, as well as other relevant CCMs can enter multiple responses/progress reports, online, related to any of the alleged infringement as it conducts investigation. The system will track the responses provided by all relevant CCMs during the life of the alleged infringement. To provide another response/update to a particular alleged infringement, simply repeat the steps above.
Flag CCMs are to use the compliance case system to submit reports on investigation up until the conclusion of the investigation. When completing responses flag CCMs are encouraged to pay particular attention to paragraph 10 of CMM 2021-03, which states
10. For each case in the online system, the following information shall be provided by the flag CCM:
(a) Has an investigation been started? (Yes/No)
(b) If yes, what is the current status of the investigation? (Ongoing, Completed)
(c) If the alleged violations stem from an observer report, have you obtained the observer report? (Yes/No)
(d) If no, what steps have you taken to obtain the observer report?
(e) What was the outcome of the investigation? (Closed – no violation; Infraction – not charged; Infraction – charged)
(f) If no violation, provide brief explanation
(g) If infraction, but not charged, provide brief explanation
(h) If infraction charged, how was it charged (e.g., penalty/fine, permit sanction, verbal or written warning, etc.) and level of charged (e.g., penalty amount, length of sanction, etc.)
The Secretariat will periodically review case updates submitted by CCMs, and based on the advice of flag CCMs the Secretariat will update:
- Infringement status: for individual compliance cases from NEW CASE to Investigation IN PROGRESS, or Investigation IN PROGRESS to Investigation COMPLETED.
- ROP Observer report received: for individual compliance cases from “No” to “Yes” unless the observer report has been uploaded to CCFS which will then automatically show the observer report has been received.
- Investigation Outcome: relevant to completed investigations “No infraction” “Infraction – no sanction” “Infraction – warning” “Infraction –sanction”
- Secretariat comments: as needed.
A summary of the current status of the case will show in the status at the top right of page. The year shown in the status refers to the date of the event. For example
A summary of the major changes to the case is also listed under status history at the bottom of page, for example
Provides a list of other cases related to this vessel trip. Select the “CASE ID” to see the observed vessel trip details. For example
For a full list of codes and reference data please refer to Overview of the CCFS helpdesk content.